Changes in operating results

Net sales

(Millions of yen)

Operating revenues

(Millions of yen)

Profit attributable to owners of parent

(Millions of yen)

Basic earnings per share


Rate of return on equity


Ordinary income to total assets ratio


Changes in financial position

Total assets

(Millions of yen)

Net assets

(Millions of yen)

Capital adequacy ratio


Dividend status



Payout ratio


Precautions for use

・In the event that revisions to financial statements, etc. are announced, the content of this data will not be reflected immediately.
・We do not retroactively adjust related indicators even if stock splits, etc. are conducted.
・The update frequency may change due to changes in the financial statement format, etc.

The content of this data is prepared based on the summary of financial results.
Although considerable care is taken when converting data for publication, please note that information errors may occur due to artificial tampering by a third party, mechanical defects due to equipment malfunction, or other force majeure events. Please give me.
For detailed information on financial results, etc., please refer to materials such as brief financial statements. Information on the content posted on this screen is provided by Takara Printing Co., Ltd.